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Golden Sun

The Story
World Map
Character Bios
Djinn Guide
Class Guide
Weapon Guide
Armor Guide
Item Guide
Psynergy Guide
Img Walkthrough
Boss Guide
Shop Guide
Battle Tactics
Monster Guide
Hints 'n Tricks
The Lost Age

The Story
Screenshot Gallery

Town Gallery
Battle Gallery
Djinn Gallery
Boss Gallery
Exclusive Gallery

Camelot Art
Box Art
Animated Gifs

Fan Art
Drawing Board


Main Page


Moving Real Soon

March 10th, 2002 - Cinderquil
I'm almost ready to leave Tripod. I'm moving to a new server with unlimited bandwidth. Sounds good? Then probably I might be able to do some updating. More news coming up, and make sure you answer this upcoming poll!

Previous Slowdown!

March 3rd, 2002 - Cinderquil
Did anyone notice that the site suddenly slowed down? It was that darn counter! has been having a few technical difficulties.. and so the counter kinda messed up the speed on this site. Everything should be O.K.!

Fixed up Lots!

March 2nd, 2002 - Cinderquil
The Psynergy Guide is a 'little' enhanced. I still need to do the PPs though. That will be the top of my list, then the Img Walkthrough. How's that? There's even less rules about the screenshots -- I thought the last ones were too strict. :( I am currently working on Battle Tactics right now, explaining type advantages and so on. Then, when that's done, I'll be working on the Monster Profile. Like explained before, the Monster Profiles will have animated Gifs, name, HP, type, resistance, weakness, and all the information needed about them.

Close to 1000!

March 1st, 2002 - Cinderquil
Wow.. I'm at 700 some screenshots! How much more would you like? I still got plenty more.. :) Like I said last time.. enjoy! :)

New Stuff..

February 26th, 2002 - Cinderquil
I've upgraded, and everything should be working very well. This means that I can finally update the screenshots after a very long time! Expect them to be fully uploaded by tomorrow! :)

Tripod Attacks!!

February 24th, 2002 - Cinderquil
Sorry everybody about the Bandwidth warnings.. :( I will try to upgrade my account so it'll be working full time!

Working on Project

February 23rd, 2002 - Cinderquil
As you can see in the sidebar, there's going to be a Monster Profile. There will be animated Gifs, name, type, weakness, HP, and attacks. That looks a lot! This will take me a while, and if anyone could solve my problem for space without Remote Loading, the screenshots will continue, but for now, I'll rely on my other website for space.

Big Difficulty!!!

February 22nd, 2002 - Cinderquil
Some Screenshots are not working because of some accidental "remote loading". It's when I store files on another account, and I just found out I cannot do it. I'll look for another way -- it should hopefully be all fixed by tomorrow!

New Drawingboard!

February 18th, 2002 - Cinderquil
Added a Drawingboard in the Interactive section. Have fun there!

Guides Finished For Now

February 17th, 2002 - Cinderquil
Although not complete, I'm done the Weapon, Armor, Psynergy, and Item Guide for now. Now I will start on the Visual Walkthrough, and soon maybe I will be able to record Golden Sun Mp3s all by myself!

Added a Section

February 17th, 2002 - Cinderquil
Added the Dropped Armors in the Armor Guide.

Added a Section

February 17th, 2002 - Cinderquil
Added the Dropped Weapons in the Weapon Guide.

Major Fix and Forums

February 16th, 2002 - Cinderquil
I've fixed the Armor and Weapon guides a whole bunch, a lot seemed confusing, and there were lots that did not make any sense at all! I've also gained Forums for the site, so post whatever you need. I'll continue finishing up the guides, and then a move on to more screenshots once again.

Pop Quiz and More Shots

February 15th, 2002 - Cinderquil
I've added the Pop Quiz section. It's just a little interactive thing I thought of. I've also opened the Mogall Forest Screenshot page with a start of 23. The Visual Walkthrough's coming very slowly, but will gradually finish section through section...

  Top Affiliates

Golden Sun Online

Isaac's Revenge


Golden Sun Universe
Planet Golden Sun
Golden Sun Resource
GGSP Golden Sun
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IR's Golden Sun Survivor!

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  Screenshot Status

   Town - 438
   Battle - 54
   Djinn - 44
   Boss - 21
   Exclusive - N/A
   Walkthrough - 161

Total: 718

Suggestion Poll
Do you wanna see a better layout?

I don't care

Current Results

Golden Sun Quiz # 1
How many Djinni are there in the game?


Current Results

Golden Sun Quiz # 2
What does a cookie do?

Raises Attack
Raises Defense
Raises Agility
Boosts HP
Boosts PP

Current Results

Disclaimer: This site is in no way affiliated with Nintendo/Camelot. Please give them credit for making such a great game! Layout and content are (c) 2001-2002. Best viewed 800 X 600 in Internet Explorer.